Poppa's Prayer Corner
Sharing My Faith
Sharing My Faith
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How my faith shapes the way I live my life...

 Just a little about me I am a widower now of 4 years . My loving wife has
gone to be with the LORD . We have 4 children  3 boys and 1 girl who
are all grown now and have familys of thier own. And we all belive in GOD
 JESUS CHRIST  and THE HOLY SPEARIT.   And that JESUS is going to be comming back  for HIS people .
   I do not belive my self or any one else has  to be in a church to worship GOD. That you  me or anyone else can worship the LORD  from any where,  for the whole world is GOD's. For as it is written in the BIBLE where ever two or more gather in my Name that I also will be there . 
I believe that if it is not written in the  BIBLE   then it is not to be.  For every thing is written  in the BIBLE  that we are to do .
That we are to Love one an other as Jesus Loves us and we are to spread the word though out  all Nations.

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.